MFG Invest

The Fregata team responded quickly to our request to develop a new website. To us as a client the good communication and understanding from the company that was going to develop our web site was of tremendous importance. Fregata were quick to respond to our requests and were proactive with their suggestions for improving functionality. We are grateful for the patience and professionalism throughout the project.


I have been a client of Fregata for over a year and I am very pleased with their services. Good and very fast communication I didn't expect! They respond to my every idea for functionality and upscale. Thanks to Fregata, my online store is what it is now! Thanks to the whole Fregata team!

In Vitro Clinic Malinov

Fregata is our long-standing partner whom we have entrusted with two redesigns of our site as well as its support. Their response time in the event of a problem or need for refresh is lightning fast.

Sejuiced Group

We have been in Service with the Fregata Team since we started our brand. They have helped us develop our vision and bring it to life through our websites. They are quick to respond regardless of the time difference between us and always keeping it professional answering to our needs as a company. It’s been a pleasure working with such great people.  Thank You Fregata Team!  –The SEJUICED Team.